Good Angel

Good Angel is a humanitarian civil assistance system that uses regular monthly contributions to help families with children whose father, mother, or some of the children suffer from cancer, and who have run into financial difficulties as a result of this insidious disease.
The Good Angel is a system through which up to tens of thousands of donors, the Good Angels, with relatively small regular monthly amounts, can significantly help up to thousands of patients each month.

Website of the Dobrý Anděl project, on which you will find further information, including donor applications:


Letter of recommendation from the "Good Angel" project

Every year, several hundred children and adolescents in the Czech Republic develop cancer. 80% of them have a chance to be cured by modern medical procedures - surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. The tax that small patients and their families pay for very good treatment results is not small - treatment takes place in specialized centers, usually far from home, takes months and years, the child and his parents travel between the ward, ambulance, home. The children are torn from the group of classmates and friends, one of the parents usually has to interrupt their work, the other parent has to provide for the increased financial demands of the family. Parents must also not forget to take care of the sibling of a sick child. All this in long-term uncertainty, if the disease can be cured. Tumors have the ability to return. Relapse of the disease means more, even more uncertainty. The risk of late sequelae of treatment increases. The family thus lives in long-term stress and insecurity, and easily gets into financial trouble. Helping and understanding other people is a gift for the family that will help them cope with a difficult life situation. Project "Good Angel" mediates this assistance to the needy. It is an excellent idea, the implementation of which I wish success.

Prof. MD Jan Starý, DrSc.
Head of the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Motol University Hospital in Prague