The hospital provides a spectrum of specialized services that are not covered by public health insurance. These performances and services are paid for by clients at the cash desk of the Self-Paying Care Department.

Our department collects payments for:


For more than 20 years, the Self-Paying Care Department has provided excursions at Motol National Park for external visitors. The excursion includes a tour of two hospital departments (according to the wishes of the group and the current capacity and operational possibilities of the hospital) and a presentation in which the participants of the excursion will learn a lot of interesting information about the hospital.

The minimum excursion time is 1.5 hours.
The participation fee is 280 CZK incl. VAT 21% per person.
Foreign participants of the excursion must arrange for an interpreter themselves, who is exempt from the participation fee.

If you are interested, please contact the contact person: Mgr. Jakub Wichs,

Motol Accommodation

FN Motol nabízí možnost ubytování hotelového typu v samostatném nově zrekonstruovaném křídle ubytovny FN Motol.

Pro více informací se prosím obraťte přímo na recepci ubytovny nebo kontaktujte oddělení telefonicky na čísle +420 224 437 309.