Construction of the Czech Oncology Institute - Motol Oncology Center


Project "Construction of the Czech Oncology Institute - Motol Oncology Center” is financed by the European Union from the Instrument for Recovery and Resilience through the National Recovery Plan of the Czech Republic.

Project name:
Construction of the Czech Oncology Institute - Motol Oncology Center

Registration number:

Call identification:
Call number 31_22_048
Component 6.2, Subcomponent 6.2.3

Brief description of the project:
The goal of the project is to contribute to increasing the resilience of the oncology prevention and care system, which will be burdened by the negative effects of the covid-19 pandemic in the long term, and to adapt this system to future crises and the expected increase in the incidence of tumors and their advanced forms.
Construction and commissioning of the Czech Oncology Institute - Motolský oncology center (construction of new buildings, alteration of existing buildings, procurement of medical technology, information technology and other equipment). Increase in the number of beds for the treatment of oncological diseases.

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